BOX #035 | March WOmen in Dairy
Whether they're making it, farming it, selling it or championing it, we're lucky to work with an incredible array of the best dairy professionals in the business, many who happen to be women. This month we are celebrating the amazing women in the dairy. All cheese in this box is from some amazing female cheese makers.
It's no coincidence that this month's box features some amazing women in the biz as its coincidences International Women's Day (March 8th).
The theme for International Women’s Day 2023 is ‘Cracking the Code: Innovation for a gender equal future’. This theme is based on the United Nations 67th Commission on the Status of Women priority theme ‘Innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls’.
Here at Mould which is female lead we could be more proud to support female business women in the wonderful world that is Australian dairy. This box is a very special one to us.
So many of the outstanding women, who we have the privilege to work with and call our friends, are driving sustainability, innovation and change within the Dairy industry and beyond.
And we wanted to celebrate that!
In this month's cheese box we're showcasing cheese from Grandvewe, Second Mouse Cheese, Dreaming Goat and Goldfield Farmhouse which all have amazing women at their core.
We could have added many, many more in this month's offering so we encourage you all to seek, celebrate and champion the amazing work the women in dairy do.

Birchs Bay (Nuenonne), TAS
'Finger Lime Fresh'
Sheep, Fresh
A new addition tothecheese line up at Grandvewe. It is a simple curd cheese that is then rolled inthespent botanicals from Hartshorn's newest Finger Lime infused vodka. It has a delightful freshness resulting fromthemarriage of a young curd and finger lime, lemon myrtle and pepper berry botanicals. Designed to be served hot so grabtheblowtorch and get baking. Can be heated intheoven or microwave. Just place in your favourite ramekin and do not forgetthe toasted sourdough

Macedon Ranges (Woiworung), VIC
'Pressed Chevre'
Goat, Fresh
Delicate pillows of goat curd which are salted and gently pressed. With a spreadable texture these squares are preserved in oil. Fresh, vibrant and a little tangy. A perfect example of goat milk at its finest.Try crumbling a little of this chevre over an autumnal roasted vegetable and couscous salad. Today, Sarah and Daniel milk their 24-strong herd of goats daily, rotating them on fresh pastures each week and producing exceptional fresh cheeses and yoghurt beloved by top chefs and home dairy lovers alike.

Ballarat (Wathaurong), VIC
'St George'
Cow, Semi Hard
This is made in a hard Tomme Style cheese made with Frisian Holsteinmilk. With a natural rind, it is aged for up to three months before being released. This batch was made especially fortheMould Cheese Collective back in November. A soft smooth paste gives way to a nutty and savoury flavour. This one will get you salivating.

Orange (Wiradjuri), NSW
Cow, white mould
Made intheNormandy style with a fine bloomy rind and soft centre, this Camembert will continue to ripenthelonger it is kept. Delicate cream and mushroom notes will become earthy and full flavoured over time. SJ and her team are unashamedly fanatical about producing fine artisan cheese fromtheheart oftheOrange wine region. All Second Mouse cheeses are 100 percent handmade, hand packed and produced usingthebestmilksourced only from local family-owned, independentdairyproducers.