Three common blue cheeses and the Aussie alternatives
Of all the cheese categories blue cheese is the most divisive but when you find those blue cheese lovers they are die hard fans! Blue cheese is one of the oldest categories. You cannot really talk about blue cheese without mentioning the Three heavy weights: the French Roquefort, the English Stilton & the Italian Gorgonzola.

Production of Roquefort dates back to the 1400 and is exclusively produced in the village of Roquefort-sur-Soulzon. Made exclusively from sheep's milk this blue is texturally delicate and creamy that finishes with bold salty and herbaceous flavours. Due to its PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) status there are only a handful of producers allowed to make Roquefort.
There are only a few sheep milk blue cheeses on the market here in Australia. Look for the Sapphire Blue from the team at Grandvewe out of Tasmania. Texturally, it varies from crumbly through to smooth and creamy, but it’s pretty perfect at any point. Robust as they get but like all true artisan cheese each batch can vary in strength. A little bit spicy at times, salty and smoky. Most recently winning gold in “Australia’s Best Sheep Cheese” and bronze in “Australia’s Best Blue Cheese” at the international Cheese and Dairy Awards 2022

A true distinguished English gentleman, the Stilton has been produced in England since the early 1700. Stilton is on the more mild end of the blue cheese spectrum. Ideally you are looking for something that is both sweet and savoury all at once with a delightfully buttery texture. Currently there are only six licensed producers to create this wonderful blue.
If you are looking for an Australian alternative there are a few to try. Pyengana Dairy have modelled their St Columba Blue cheese off the iconic Stilton. It's a mellow creaming blue with a soft creamy texture and salty blue bite. If you want to lean into the butteriness of this style of blue Prom Country Cheese’s Granny’s Organic Blue is the perfect combination of outstanding texture and unbelievably good taste!

This Italian stallion is the most mild of these three blue heavy weights. Dolce means sweet and the Gorgonzola Dolce is exactly that, a beautiful soft creamy sweet dream. When this blue is at its ripest you’ll need to use a spoon. Made from cow’s milk found in Northern Italy. For those looking to start their journey into blue cheese, Gorgonzola Dolce is where you should start.
Milawa Blue from Milawa Cheese Co is their flagship cheese and was inspired by the Gorgonzola. The Milawa Blue is mild & creamy and has a well-balanced, rich, buttery flavour, this cheese has been converting non-blue eaters since 1988. Also the People's Choice winner from Mould - A Cheese Festival in 2022.